Catholic Schools
Resources | Archbishop Vigneron's Pastoral Letter on the Challenges of Gender Identity
The clergy of the Archdiocese of Detroit and Catholic school principals and presidents received a new pastoral letter…
For DREs and OCIA Coordinators: Determining the Marital Status of inquirer
Many of the marriage cases we receive at the Tribunal have come to us by way of people going through OCIA or other…
Eucharistic Procession Resources
As we approach the Feast of Corpus Christi, please find resources for planning a Eucharistic Procession within your…
Men of the Sacred Hearts Tools and Resources
The Archdiocese of Detroit and Men of the Sacred Hearts are collaborating to celebrate The 350th Anniversary of the…
Readings for the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church
In 2018, Pope Francis instituted the Obligatory Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church. This will…
USCCB Office of Divine Worship Newsletter
Please click here to subscribe to the newsletter and view past issues.
Guidelines Regarding Secular Concerts in Churches
Please see here for important clarifications on this issue: Secular Concerts in Churches.
February 2024 Newsletter - USCCB Committee on Divine Worship
Please click here for the February Newsletter from the USCCB's Commitee on Divine Worship. The newsletter is entitled…
Celebration of the Liturgy of the Word on Sundays in an Emergency Situation
“By tradition handed down from the apostles which took its origin from the very day of Christ’s resurrection, the…
Prayer and Intercession Teams
Please visit aod.org/prayer-and-intercession-teams for information about this ministry.
Note on the Passion Narratives (Bilingual)
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committees on Divine Worship and Ecumenical and Interreligious…
Items Needed For A Eucharistic Procession
Necessary: MonstranceLunaCandles (at least two that will stay lit; can have more)Processional CrossHumeral…
Hispanic Ministry
Artículos Necesarios para una Procesión Eucarística
Necesario: CustodiaLunetaVelas (al menos dos que permanezcan encendidas; pueden tener más)Cruz ProcesionalVelo…
2024 Liturgical Calendar Advisories
During the 2024 liturgical year, there are three occasions when feast days are transferred:According to the Roman…
Resources: Liturgical Year and Calendars
Liturgical YearLiturgical Calendar 2024Liturgical Calendar 2025
Proper Copyright Acknowledgment When Reprinting Mass Readings
We have received a request from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) to ensure that the Archdiocese…
Online Formation Courses
The Archdiocese of Detroit has created several free Worship formation courses. Please see below for the list of…
Updated Print Resources from the Office of Sacred Worship
Over the past year, we have been revising some of the resources available through the Office of Sacred Worship. These…
Office of Sacred Worship OCIA Curriculum
Precatechumenate Session OutlinesStructure of a Precatechumenate SessionPrecatechumenate Sessions 1-10Five Proofs for…
OCIA Orientation and Overview Training (Conference Recordings)
Session 1: History and Nature of the OCIA by Sr. Esther Mary Nickel, RMS and Dr. Marlon De La TorreSession 1…
OCIA Pastoral Nature of Doctrine Training (Conference Recordings)
Overview of the Year-Round Catechumenate by Ms. Amy WyssDoctrine and the Precatechumenate, Spiritual Care for…
Methodology for Catechesis
Catechist Instructional TechniquesCatechetical Methodology and Best Practices
OCIA Coordinator
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA, formerly RCIA) is a journey of conversion designed for adults (and…
Host a First Class Relic of Blessed Solanus Casey at Your Parish
The Office of Sacred Worship is pleased to offer once again the opportunity for parishes to host a first-class relic of…