We are pleased to inform you that the Archdiocese of Detroit Department of Development–Mission Advancement has published Stewardship Thoughts for Parish Bulletins, Cycle B, an addition to the Christian stewardship education manual, Called by Christ, Gifted by the Spirit.
These reflections on the Christian stewardship themes found in the Sunday Liturgy of the Word readings for the upcoming liturgical year are designed to be included in weekly parish bulletins to encourage parishioners to reflect on the grace God gives to each of us through His gifts of prayer, service, and generosity, and how we are to “steward” those gifts to serve Him in advancing His kingdom on earth. The Cycle B year begins with the First Sunday of Advent on the weekend of December 2-3, 2023.
We encourage you to use these materials during the Cycle B liturgical year as a complement to your own good work in drawing the faithful closer to our Lord, Jesus Christ. If you have any questions or comments, please contact our office at (313) 596-7408 or [email protected].